This photo has a nice angle, so I've decided that I would draw it.
People get used to their busy routines so much, that when they have a day off or several days off, they can't seem to know what to do with themselves and end up having a rather uneventful day. Humans are peculiar creatures.
Imagination is fun. Oh Hikki, your off-beat lyrics inspire me. I want to write lyrics too! I just had to write those thoughts on paper. Now, I just need to make some changes here and there, come up with a melody... and oh yeah, get a singing voice...hmm, song writing's fun. I want to make songs too! \(^0^)/
But wait, these lyrics seem girly. *Gasp! Hikki, maybe I got the girly inspirations, I need to recalibrate my reciever so I can get the androgynous inspirations instead...